
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Fear Of Heights

Authors: Anis Afridi, Dennis McCarroll, Samuel Rother, Vitaliy Shykhardin

The project was implemented as a "Bachlor-Projekt" (Bachlor-project) during WiSe 23/24.

Installation & Setup


This project was implemented using Unity 2022.3.12f1. We added the modules "Android Build Support" as well as "Windows Build Support (IL2CPP)" to the installation.


Choose Android as your Build Platform (switch platform if necessary) and make sure the Company Name and Product name as well as the package name is set in the player settings. Under XR Plug-in Management, make sure OpenXR is selected and Meta Quest Support is activated. This project has been built for Meta Quest 3. Make sure that all the scenes needed (Scene0, Scene1, Scene2, Scene3) are included and either build or (if you have a USB Cable and your headset ready) skip to the next part.

Deploy to Headset

You can deploy the APK to the headset if you've connected your Headset via a USB Cable to your PC, have the Oculus App ready and your headset already in developer mode by selecting your headset in "Run Device" inside the Build Settings screen and pressing Build and Run. Alternatively you can build your APK using the "Build" button and moving your APK to the Headset using Meta Developer Hub or Sidequest.



The application was build with the main movement option being walking in real life.

Scene 0 (Start)

  • The user doesn't move until 1 second after the application started (when the UI will be directly infront of him)
  • The user can read the instructions on a UI window and test interactions with grabbable objects.
  • The user has to enter a participant ID to start the experiment.

Scene 1 (Relaxation)

  • The user is supposed to stand still until the scene changes again.
  • Right before the scene changes there will appear a questionnaire which the user has to answer to continue.

Scene 2 (Training Room and Pit Room)

  • The user spawns in an explorable training room, where the user can get used to the environment and interactions with the surroundings.
  • After a time span of x seconds the door will be highlighted by a green outline and is then ready to be opened by the user walking towards it.
  • The user now enters a corridor. If the user continues to walk through it they will be teleported to another corridor, which looks exactly the same, therefore the user won't notice the teleportation.
  • The new corridor leads into the Pit Room. In this room the user has to collect a variety of objects from the ground, while being confronted with a deep pit. Once all objects have been collected or after a time pan of x seconds the experiment is over and the user once again has to answer a questionnaire to continue to the next scene.
  • If the user falls into the pit during the experiment, they will find themself in a room at the bottom of the pit, similar to the Training Room from the beginning. The user simply can walk through the door follow the corridor, which will teleport the user back up into the corridor outside the Pit Room.

Scene 3 (Relaxation)

  • The user is supposed to stand still and relax until another questionnaire pops up, after which the user will be informed of the end of the experiment.

Implementation Details

Scene 0 (Start)

Rotation Position Offset Fix

  • if the application is run standalone on the headset the user must not look around or move while the application is starting. To be more precise: The user must keep still for approximately 1 second after the "Made with Unity" logo during startup vanishes and the scene fades in. After that time the view will snap showing the UI infront of the user while saving this direction as a "starting direction"

UI Start Instructions

  • set instruction text in main object "UI Start Instructions", see the object component "Start Introduction Handler" -> "Text Page List"
    • these texts will be set in the "Text Page" child object to be displayed during runtime
  • pressing the "Start" button activates the Participant ID UI window

UI Participant ID

  • pressing the "OK" button triggers the scene change
  • it is not mandatory to enter a participant ID, but highly recommended for data collection (see questionnaires)

Example Objects

  • the test objects will appear once the user reaches the third page of the instruction UI which tells the user to test grabbing interactions

Scene 1 (Relaxation)

Questionnaire Trigger

  • set the "Seconds To Wait" parameter in the editor to determine the time span after which the questionnaire will be invoked


  • see the "Questionnaire Handler" script for details on the behaviour of the questionnaire
  • to add, delete, or change questions simply enter them in the editor in the object component "Questionnaire Handler" -> "Question List"
  • set spawn position in the object component "Position UI"
  • after completion the questionnaire will write the answers to a file

Scene 2 (Training Room)

UI Training Room - UI Instructions TR

  • pressing the "Confirm" button starts the timer and which prevents the user from opening the door
    • the timer can be set in the editor in the object component "Open Door (Script)" of the "DoorBody TR" object

Door TR

  • the component "Open Door (Script)" of the child object "DoorBody TR" defines the behavior of the door
  • the child object "Trigger Area Door TR" calls several events if the user enters this area
    • the entrance door of the corridor (TR) will be opened
    • the exit door of the corridor (TR) will be opened (cosmetic effect)
    • the entrance door of the corridor leading into the Pit Room will be opened
    • the exit door of the corridor leading into the Pit Room will be opened
    • the outline of the door in the Training Room will be disabled
    • the "Forbidden Area Corridor TR", which renders the screen black, if the walks through the walls or door into the corridor before the timer is up, will be deactivated
    • the "Trigger Area Teleport TR", which upon collision teleports the user to an identical corridor leading into the Pit Room, will be activated

Scene 2 (Pit Room)

Entrance Door

  • the door of the Pit Room has a "Auto Scene Changer" child object, which handles the transition to scene 3
    • its parameter "Time" determines the time span after which the questionnaire will be presented to the user, regardless of the users progress in this scene


  • the "Pit Top Floor" object is part of the "Pit Top Floor" layer, which won't collide with the user (XR Origin -> Character Controller)
    • the player will therefore always fall through the visible surface of the floor in the Pit Room
    • the object "Floor Collider PR" is an invisible box collider, which covers the whole Pit Room Area
      • it can collide with the user and therefore prevent the user from falling trough the floor
      • if the user moves too far over the edge of the pit, a raycast will detect this and the "Floor Collider PR" will be deactivated so the user will fall down
      • this workaround was implemented because of the possibility to falsely move the XR Origin using the edge of the Pit and the virtual shape of the user

Trigger Area For Entering PR

  • the object "Trigger Event For Entering PR" calls several events if the user enters this area
    • the entrance door of the Pit Room will be closed
    • the "Forbidden Area Corridor PR" will be activated
    • the "Forbidden Area PR", which renders the screen black, if the user tries to leave the Pit Room corridor in a forbidden way, will be deactivated
    • the "Trigger Area Teleport PB", which teleports the user from the bottom of the pit back up into the corridor of the Pit Room, will be deactivated
    • the entrance door of the corridor at the bottom of the pit will be closed
    • the raycast, which is checking for a valid floor layer below the users feet, will be activated

Door Pit Bottom

  • the child object "Trigger Area Door PB" calls several events if the user enters this area
    • the entrance door of the corridor will be opened
    • the outline of the entrance door will be deactivated
    • the "Forbidden Area Corridor PB" will be deactivated
    • the "Forbidden Area Corridor PR" will be deactivated
    • the "Forbidden Area PR" will be activated
    • the "Trigger Area Teleport PB", which will teleport the user to the upper corridor leading into the Pit Room, will be activated
    • the "Floor Collidor PR" will be actvated, so the user will be able to walk across the floor if the user gets back in the Pit Room

Trigger Area Teleport PB

  • if the user enters this area the following events will be called
    • the exit door of the corridor in the pit bottom will be closed
    • the exit door of the corridor leading into the Pit Room will be opened
    • the "Forbidden Area Corridor PB" will be activated
    • the "Forbidden Area PR" will be activated
    • the object "Trigger Area Teleport PB" will deactivate itself

Scene 3 (Relaxation)

  • basically behaves identical to scene 1

Functional Prefabs

Auto Scene Changer

  • This Prefab is an functional game object which can be added to a scene in order to automate a scene transition
  • For more details see the script "Auto Scene Changer"

Scene Changer Caller

  • This Prefab is a functional game object which can be used as a workaround to call Scene Changer from a Unity Event
  • For more details see the script "Scene Changer Call"

Recenter Point

  • This Prefab is a mostly empty game object which should be used for the recenter function

Trigger Area Event

  • This Prefab can be added to a scene to trigger a sequence of events if the user collides with the box collider
  • For more details see the script "Collision Triggered Event"

Trigger Area Teleport

  • This Prefab can be used to teleport the user upon collision with the box collider
  • The user can be teleported absolute/relative with a vector or to a GameObject/its parent
  • For more details see the script "Collision Triggered Teleport"

Questionnaire Trigger

  • This Prefab is an functional game object which can be added to a scene in order to trigger the questionnaire after a given time x
  • For more details see the script "Questionnaire Invoker"

XR Origin

There is 1 XR Origin Prefabs, a variant of that Prefab and a variant of the variant. Most general change should be made to XR_Origin_Base

  • XR_Origin_Base
    • Contains the input managers, EventSystem and the XR Origin Rig (Camera, Hands)
    • All interactions-systems (and simular) are in this Rig.
      • Most of them in 'Main Camera' but also on other objects.
  • XR_Origin_No_Movement Variant
    • It is mostly like XR_Origin_Base (it is a Prefab Variant -> most changes to XR Origin Base also take effct here)
    • But it disables the Move and Teleportation systems (in Locomtion System)
  • XR_Origin_No_Movement_No_Ray Variant Variant
    • It is mostly like XR_Origin_No_Movement Variant (it is a Prefab Variant -> most changes to XR Origin Base and No Movment also take effect here)
    • But it also disables the Ray Interactor

The XR Origin has the following Button Mapping:

  • Left Controller:
    • Joystick: Continuous Movement (except both the Prefab Variants, their speed is set to 0)
    • MenuButton (While Pressed): Show a red square where the current RecenterPoint is set
    • MenuButton (Hold for 1 sec): Recenter the user. He is teleported to the specified position facing the specified direction
    • X (when DevMode is activated): Toggle the Console inside the application (custom made, not a out-of-the-box feature of unity)
    • Y (when DevMode is activated): Toggle the DevModeMenu
  • Right Controller:
    • Joystick: Snap Turn 45°
    • Joystick, B, A: Input Code for activating the DevMode (UP-UP-DOWN-DOWN-LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT-B-A)


There are three Editor Scripts (in Assets/Editor). Both CollisionTriggeredEventEditor and CollisonTriggeredTeleportEditor specify the appropriate Scripts' content when displayed in the Inspector. It hides unneccesary variables based on the selection made. SceneObjectEditor exists in order to be able to drag and drop Scenes into a variable in the Inspector for both Standalone and In-Editor mode.

Known Errors and Warnings

  • "Not allowed to access vertices on mesh ...."
    • The Outline for the Objects you can pickup. cant get all vertices of a mesh
  • "NullReferenceExecption in ConsoleToGUI.Log" (happens somethimes -> Console is also not displayed)
  • "[Path].../OpenXRSettings ..." is a occasionally occuring Warning that occurs when interacting with the scene in general.
  • "Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5" is an actual Error that indicates incorrect use of MeshColliders and must be fixed when it occurs.
  • "No ... passed to ..." are a series of custom exceptions included in different scripts to indicate missing parameters in the Inspector or sometimes even invalid Script states.

Used Assets

