- 3
Negative index error if there are no warps loaded
#104 opened by ggggg - 3
#94 opened by SploeCyber - 0
Suggestion: Kits Auto-Calculate "Price"
#75 opened by MystLeissa - 1
Suggestion: RemoveKit In-game command
#76 opened by MystLeissa - 2
Essentials not working with 1.04h update
#53 opened by Spirit1408 - 1
Document every class
#49 opened by ggggg - 1
Commands abstract class
#47 opened by ggggg - 0
- 0
#Blame DBK
#5 opened by BrokeProtocol - 1
System.NullReferenceException at BP_Essentials.RegisterCommands.Run when adding commands from other assembly
#25 opened by awhitefox - 3
settings.json resets itself
#23 opened by iCromix - 2
- 3
[Bug] Free Command not working 2.6.4
#18 opened by masterfranky - 1
- 6
#14 opened by 109117ca - 1
F3 Menu editor (suggestion)
#16 opened by logimy - 1
(Suggestion) /action | /me
#17 opened by SerinoDuderino - 0
#4 opened - 4
New update not working
#9 opened by masterfranky - 6
problems with groups
#11 opened by VinushsYT - 2
- 2
essentials_settings - Version
#12 opened by 109117ca - 2
essentials_settings - Whitelisted Jobs
#13 opened by 109117ca - 1
Los Grupos no funcionan como puedo solucionarlo
#10 opened by VinushsYT - 2
announcements issue
#8 opened by masterfranky - 1
Report Bug
#6 opened by S4n1kBoy - 1
[Suggestion] /who
#3 opened by Kagemd