
Simple command line tool/interface for Unified Word Sense Disambiguation Evaluation Framework

Primary LanguagePython

WSD Evaluator

Provides an interface for Unified Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) evaluation framework

System Requirements

  • Windows 10 operating system
  • Python 3.0 and above
  • WordNet 3.0+ corpora


The dataset included in this repository is retrieved from http://lcl.uniroma1.it/wsdeval/evaluation-data

Available dataset:

  • Senseval2
  • Senseval3
  • SemEval2007
  • SemEval2013
  • SemEval2015
  • ALL (concatenation of previous dataset)



  1. Wrap the codes/algorithm to be evaluated inside the function get_sensekey with the following signatures:
    def get_sensekey(sentence, word, lemma, pos):
        Return the most likely sense key of `word` given `sentence` as context.

       :param str sentence: Context of `word`
       :param str word: Word to be disambiguate
       :param str lemma: lemma of `word`
       :param str pos: part-of-speech tag of `word`
       :return: sense key of disambiguated lemma
       :rtype: str


#  algorithm/example.py

""" Word Sense Disambiguation using Lesk Algorithm """
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.wsd import lesk

def get_sensekey(sentence, word, lemma, pos):
    wordnet_pos = {'VERB': wn.VERB, 'NOUN': wn.NOUN, 'ADJ': wn.ADJ, 'ADV': wn.ADV}
    synset = lesk(word_tokenize(sentence), word, pos=wordnet_pos[pos])
    if synset is not None:
        for lemma_ in synset.lemmas():
            if lemma_.name().lower() == lemma.lower():
                return lemma_.key()
        return None
  1. Put the .py file inside the algorithm/ directory.


Using Command line argument
  1. (Optional step) Activate virtual environment.

  2. In command prompt/powershell, change directory (cd) to Evaluation/ then type and execute the following command:
    evaluate [your .py filename] [dataset name] (e.g. evaluate example semeval2015)

  3. The evaluation result will be displayed in the console. In addition, you can also view the evaluation result output under evaluation_result/[dataset name]/[your .py filename]/ directory.

Using Interactive command prompt
  1. Run evaluate_interactive.bat (by double clicking the .bat file or type evaluate_interactive in console), then follow the instruction on screen.


  • Michael Lesk. Automatic sense disambiguation using machine readable dictionaries: how to tell a pine cone from an ice cream cone. SIGDOC '86 Proceedings of the 5th annual international conference on Systems documentation

  • Alessandro Raganato, Jose Camacho-Collados and Roberto Navigli. Word Sense Disambiguation: A Unified Evaluation Framework and Empirical Comparison. Proceedings of EACL 2017, Valencia, Spain