Code sample is project for representing of my skills and programmer habits.
Simple invoice system with customer evidence. After sign in with valid credentials you can create customers. Customer has values as name, surname, company registration number, tax number, etc. You can create invoice where you must specify name, description and customer that invoice belongs to. Invoices ID is generated automatically in form YYMMDDCCC(YY -year, MM - month, DD - day, CCC -sequence number). After invoice creation you can generate PDF output with automatically prefilled values from database. Global search field is in page header. You can search customers and invoices too by name, surname or email.
Try demo here:
Login crendetials:
Password: 123456
Apache >=2.4.18 PHP >=7.0.4 MySQL >=5.7.11 Composer >=1.2.0 NPM >=3.10.3
Follow installation steps.
composer update
cd www/
npm install
dsn: 'mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=code-sample'
user: 'my-username'
password: 'my-password'
conventions: discovered
charset: utf8mb4
lazy: true
- temp
- log
- www/webtemp
Password: 123456
Main index.php is in www directory but .htaccess should take care of redirection if modrewrite is installed.
Apache, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Select2, HTML, CSS, LESS, Nette, Composer, NPM, GitHub, mPDF, janmarek/webloader
PSR-2: Coding Style Guide, PSR-4: Autoloader
In square brackets how much time I was spent on creation of specific modules of web application.
- Installation
- Configuration of Nette sandbox
- Installation of PHP packages
- Installation of JS packages
- Create basic template
- Designing a database table of users
- Authentication implementation
- Designing a database table of customers
- Displaying customers in data grid with option of arranging and mass removing
- Form for creating and modifying customers
- Designing a database table of invoices
- Displaying invoices in data grid with option of arranging and mass removing
- Installation and integration of Select2 selectbox for ajax selection of users in invoice form
- Form for creating and modifying invoices
- Generation of invoices in PDF format
- Fulltext searchbox for both, customers and invoices
- Displaying invoices in customer editation form, that belongs to him
- Embeding on production server
- Fixing minor bugs
- Last tests
Total: 15 hours and 30 minutes