

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status Coverage Status


  • CIKit
  • Docker


Do not try to install the package separately! It's a submodule of CIKit.

Local or testing environment

cikit ssh
cd /var/www/cikit-rest-api
# Starts development server.
# Or `NODE_ENV=production npm start &` and `npm stop` to stop the server.
npm start

Stop the container.

cikit env/stop

Start existing container.

cikit env/start

Completely remove the container.

cikit env/rm

Run ESLint.

docker exec -i cikit-rest-api.loc bash -c 'cd /var/www/cikit-rest-api && npm run lint'

Run unit and functional tests.

docker exec -i cikit-rest-api.loc bash -c 'cd /var/www/cikit-rest-api && npm test'


Deploy to existing CIKit Matrix.

CIKIT_TAGS="api,ssl" cikit matrix/provision --limit=HOSTNAME --rest-api --ssl-src=/path/to/dir/with/ssl/crts

To deploy to a new Matrix remove the CIKIT_TAGS="api,ssl".

The /path/to/dir/with/ssl/certs must be a valid path to a directory that contains *.crt and *.key SSL certificates. They'll be copied to and used on a server by Nginx (for builds) and by Node.js (REST API server).

Update already deployed API

If CIKit Matrix already uses a REST API and got an update, you'll need to deploy the changes.

CIKIT_TAGS="api" cikit matrix/provision --limit=HOSTNAME --rest-api=deploy

User groups

  • viewer

    Can see the list of droplets.

  • manager

    Can manage (add/delete/start/stop/restart) droplets.

  • owner

    Single per system. Can do everything.

Every role inherits permissions from previous.



Get help.

node ./lib/cli/commands/create-user.js -h

Create an owner of the API (kinda super user that can be only one per system):

node ./lib/cli/commands/create-user.js -u BR0kEN -g owner

Note, that further attempts to create an owner will be declined.

Forcibly invalidate user's authentication token and regenerate a secret key.

node ./lib/cli/commands/create-user.js -u BR0kEN -g owner -r


Available endpoints


  • POST - /api/v1/user/auth - available for existing users of a system.

    Request an access token:

    curl http://localhost:1337/api/v1/user/auth -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "BR0kEN", "code": "172459"}'

    Response sample:

      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": 7200,
      "access_token": "5e11d712066b99a9868888ec253c1979da9dc8f9823831262139f235ab9d64c3",
      "refresh_token": "3ead5fbb1a4e3953f855d84b304d96b08d10a83cad38ebc544832f2125293f2b"

    Add Authorization: Bearer: ACCESS_TOKEN header or {"access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN"} to body for every request to an API. If you'll get 401, then the token is expired and you have to send a request for its refreshment (better flow is to store the expires_in in your implementation and check its validity before sending a request to an API).

  • POST - /api/v1/user/auth/refresh - can be accessed by existing user with valid refresh token.

    Refresh an existing access token using the refresh_token given after successful authentication:

    curl http://localhost:1337/api/v1/user/auth/refresh -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN"}'

    The structure of a response is the same as for previous API query.

  • DELETE - /api/v1/user/auth/revoke/:user - authorized owner can revoke for anyone, authorized users can revoke for ourselves.

    Revoke access and refresh tokens for a given user (require re-authentication).

    curl http://localhost:1337/api/v1/user/auth/revoke/BR0kEN -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer REFRESH_TOKEN"

    Response sample:

      "status": "ok"
  • GET - /api/v1/user/auth/setup/:user - authorized owner can request a QR code for setting up an authenticating application.

    curl http://localhost:1337/api/v1/user/auth/setup/BR0kEN -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"

    Response sample:

      "qr": "BASE64_ENCODED_PNG",
      "secret": "SECRET_KEY"
  • GET - /api/v1/user/list

  • POST - /api/v1/user/add

  • DELETE - /api/v1/user/delete/:user

The /api/v1/user/add and /api/v1/user/delete returns an updated list of users.


  • GET - /api/v1/droplet/list
  • POST - /api/v1/droplet/add
  • PATCH - /api/v1/droplet/stop/:droplet
  • PATCH - /api/v1/droplet/start/:droplet
  • PATCH - /api/v1/droplet/restart/:droplet
  • DELETE - /api/v1/droplet/delete/:droplet

All /api/v1/droplet/* endpoints returns a list of droplets. After add, stop, start, restart and delete an updated list will be returned.