
An emulator for the game "Chip's Challenge".

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Welcome to Tile World
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Welcome to Tile World
Tile World is an emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge" for the
Atari Lynx, created by Chuck Sommerville, and later ported to MS
Windows by Microsoft (among other ports).
<h2>Important Note</h2>
Tile World is an emulation of the "Chip's Challenge" game engines
only. It does <em>not</em> come with the <tt>chips.dat</tt> file that
contains the original level set. That file, which is copyrighted and
cannot be freely distributed, was originally distributed with the MS
version of "Chip's Challenge". If you have a copy of this version of
the game, you can use that file to play the original games in Tile
World. If you do not have a copy of this file, however, you can still
play Tile World with the many freely available level files created by
fans of the original game.
<h2>Installing Tile World under Windows</h2>
First of all, you'll want to store the files contained in this archive
into its own separate directory. If you're using the self-extracting
executable, you can create a new directory during the installation.
Otherwise, you'll need to create a new directory beforehand --
something like <tt><samp>c:\tworld</samp></tt> -- and extract the
files in there.
If you have a copy of the <tt>chips.dat</tt> data file, copy it to the
<tt>data</tt> subdirectory. This will allow you to play the original
levels under Tile World (for the MS ruleset and the Lynx ruleset
If you have other data files that you would like to try out in Tile
World, copy those to the <tt>sets</tt> directory.
The shell commands to do the above would look something like:
<tt>cd <samp>c:\wherever\my\copy\of\chips\challenge\is\at</samp></tt>
<tt>copy chips.dat <samp>c:\tworld</samp>\data</tt>
<tt>cd <samp>c:\my\collection\of\dat\files</samp></tt>
<tt>copy *.dat <samp>c:\tworld</samp>\sets</tt>
That's all that needs to be done to set it up. Run the program as
<tt><samp>c:\tworld</samp>\tworld</tt>, or create a shortcut for it.
<h2>Installing Tile World under Linux</h2>
Before proceeding, ensure that you have SDL installed on your
machine. (If you don't have SDL, you can get it by visiting
<a href="http://www.libsdl.org/download.html">http://www.libsdl.org/download.html</a>.
If you download a precompiled version -- i.e., an .rpm or .deb file --
note that you will need the development runtime, as opposed to the
binary runtime.)
Installing Tile World involves the usual three-part incantation:
By default, the program is set up so that it will keep its shared
files under <tt>/usr/local/share/tworld</tt>. If you would prefer the
<tt>tworld</tt> directory to be somewhere besides
<tt>/usr/local/share</tt>, use the <tt>--datadir</tt> option to change
it when you run <tt>./configure</tt>. Alternately, you can use the
<tt>--with-sharedir=DIR</tt> option to explicitly specify a completely
different path. (This value can also be changed at runtime, either via
the <tt>TWORLDDIR</tt> environment variable or via the command line.)
This will build the <tt>tworld</tt> binary. There shouldn't be any
serious warnings from the compiler.
<h4>make install</h4>
Running "make install" as root will do the following:
Copy the <tt>tworld</tt> binary to <tt>/usr/local/games</tt>.
Copy the <tt>tworld.6</tt> manpage to <tt>/usr/local/man/man6</tt>.
Create <tt>/usr/local/share/tworld</tt> if it does not exist. (Or
whatever directory you specified to <tt>./configure</tt>.)
Copy the external resources (i.e., the bitmaps and wave files) to
Create the directories <tt>/usr/local/share/tworld/data</tt> and
The <tt>sets</tt> directory is where you will generally store the
<tt>.dat</tt> files that you want to use. However, if you want to make
use of a configuration file with a particular data file, then you will
need to store the data file in the <tt>data</tt> directory, and the
configuration file goes into the <tt>sets</tt> directory instead. See
the documentation for more information.
<h2>Level Sets</h2>
As mentioned above, the original "Chip's Challenge" level set does
<em>not</em> come with Tile World, for reasons of copyright. If you do
not already have a copy of Microsoft's Windows version of "Chip's
Challenge", you might still be able to find a copy. Search the links
listed below, under "Resources on the Internet", for helpful hints on
finding the game online.
If and when you do, you can copy the <tt>chips.dat</tt> file from
there into Tile World's <tt>data</tt> directory. You will then be able
to play the levels of the original set (both in MS mode and in Lynx
There are also many "user-created" level sets. These are sets of
levels which have been invented by fans of the game. These sets are
freely available for downloading. If you have a <tt>.dat</tt> file
that contains a level set and you wish to use it, just copy it to Tile
World's <tt>sets</tt> directory. The next time you start Tile World,
the new <tt>.dat</tt> should appear in the list of available level
<a href="http://www.pillowpc2001.net/levels/">http://www.pillowpc2001.net/levels/</a>
is a repository of available user-created level sets. I have not
included any of these level sets in this distribution, as the authors
continue to add new levels to their sets over time.
Actually, this distribution does contain one small level set. This is
included so that even if you don't have the original level set, you
can still get a brief glimpse of how the game works, and what some of
the most basic challenges are. Also, the same set of levels can be
played with both the MS and Lynx ruleset, so you can see how they
There are three user-created level sets that deserve particular
mention, namely the "Chip's Challenge Level Packs". These sets are
curated collections of levels created by numerous authors, assembled
by the fans who voted to determine which ones to include.
<tt>CCLP1.dat</tt> is intended to be a suitable replacement for the
levels in the original game, for those who do not have access to
chips.dat. The difficulty should match those of the original level
<tt>CCLP2.dat</tt> and <tt>CCLP3.dat</tt> are intended to be sequels,
and are much harder than the original level set. Note also that CCLP2
was created specifically for the MS ruleset, whereas CCLP1 and CCLP3
can be played under either the MS or the Lynx ruleset.
<h2>The Complete Documentation</h2>
The full documentation for Tile World is included with the
distribution, in the file <tt>tworld.html</tt>. There you will find 
information on how to play the game, adding new level sets,
customizing Tile World, and more.
<h2>Creating New Level Sets</h2>
The most widely used program for creating new level sets is ChipEdit.
It comes with excellent documentation, and you should have little
trouble learning how to use it. Some other editors have recently been
made available, such as CCEdit and Chip's Workshop.
Normally, ChipEdit creates levels for the MS ruleset. If you wish to
make a level set for the Lynx ruleset, you have a few options:
You can use a configuration file to override the builtin ruleset. This
method requires creating an extra file, but does allows you to avoid
making changes to the <tt>.dat</tt> file. See the complete
documentation for information on how to set up a configuration file.
A very simple command-line utility is available on the Tile World
download page, called <tt>mklynxcc</tt>. This program will change a
normal <tt>.dat</tt> file to one that will use the Lynx ruleset
instead of the MS ruleset. Running <tt>mklynxcc
<samp>foo.dat</samp></tt> will change <tt><samp>foo.dat</samp></tt>'s
ruleset from MS to Lynx.
Finally, ChipEdit has an obscure feature which allows you to control
the signature of the data file. This is done by adding a
<tt>SIGNATURE</tt> entry to the <tt>chipedit.ini</tt> file. The
default signature value is <tt>0x0002AAAC</tt>, which indicates a data
file that uses the MS ruleset. If you set the <tt>SIGNATURE</tt> to be
<tt>0x0102AAAC</tt>, then ChipEdit will create data files marked to
use the Lynx ruleset instead.
Another alternative is to use a program like <tt>c4</tt>, a Perl
program which allows you to design levels in a text source file and
then compile the data file. <tt>c4</tt> can be obtained from the Tile
World download page.
<h2>Resources on the Internet</h2>
There is now quite a bit of information about "Chip's Challenge"
available on the internet.
Mike L's Chip's Challenge hosts the Level Packs, software, and links
to almost every custom level set available:
<a href="http://www.pillowpc2001.net/">http://www.pillowpc2001.net/</a>
Anders Kaseorg's site contains the Chip's Challenge FAQ, as well as
the AVI repository and a web interface to the newsgroup:
<a href="http://chips.kaseorg.com/">http://chips.kaseorg.com/</a>
The CC Zone is a website that hosts a discussion forum, as well as
links to programs and level sets:
<a href="http://cczone.invisionzone.com/">http://cczone.invisionzone.com/</a>
The Chip's Challenge Wiki documents much of the shared jargon and
available tools used by the community:
<a href="http://chipschallenge.wikia.com/">http://chipschallenge.wikia.com/</a>
Finally, Tile World's home page is at:
<a href="http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tworld/">http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tworld/</a>
<h2>Tile World 2</h2>
Tile World 2 is a fork of Tile World, created by Madhav Shanbhag. It
uses the Qt library to improve the UI of the original program. You can
find out more about it at:
<a href="http://www.pillowpc2001.net/TW2/">http://www.pillowpc2001.net/TW2/</a>
Tile World is copyright (C) 2001-2015 by Brian Raiter. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, included in this
distribution in the file COPYING, for more details.
Bug reports are always appreciated, and can be sent to the author at
The list of known bugs is at
<a href="http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tworld/BUGS.html">http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tworld/BUGS.html</a>.
Please check here before sending a bug report, to to make sure the bug
has not already been documented.
Tile World was written by Brian Raiter.
The sound effects included in this distribution were created by Brian
Raiter, with assistance from SoX. Brian Raiter has explictly placed
these files in the public domain.
The tile images included in this distribution were created by Anders
Kaseorg, with assistance from POV-Ray. Anders Kaseorg has explicitly
placed these files in the public domain.
The introductory set of levels included in this distribution were
created by Brian Raiter. Brian Raiter has explictly placed these
levels in the public domain.
"Chip's Challenge" was designed by Chuck Sommerville, who is also the
author of the original Lynx program.
Creating this program would have been flatly impossible without the
help of several fans of "Chip's Challenge". The author would
particularly like to acknowledge Anders Kaseorg for sharing the fruits
of his investigations into the game logic of the MS version and for
being an effective bug hunter, Chuck Sommerville for his pointers
regarding the game logic of the Lynx version and his unfailing support
of this project, and "CCExplore" for his in-depth investigations of
esoteric game behavior.
Many other regulars of the annexcafe.chips.challenge newsgroup
assisted with bug reports, suggestions, and all-around encouragement.
Their help is gratefully acknowledged.
The anonymous author of the document describing the <tt>.dat</tt> file
format, John K. Elion and his ChipEdit program, Don Gregory, the
"Charter Chipsters", and the contributors to the CC AVI library all
deserve mention as well -- this program would never have been written
without the information they made freely available.
Brian Raiter
July 2015