
Simplify your administration listing for Eloquent models.

Primary LanguagePHP

Admin Listing

AdminListing is a helper that simplifies administration listing for your Eloquent models. It helps transforming a typical request to data. It can auto-handle all the basic stuff like pagination, ordering, search. It can handle also translatable eloquent models (see Translatable Eloquent Models).

You can find full documentation at https://docs.getcraftable.com/#/admin-listing


In order to run tests, this package requires a PostgreSQL database running (SQLite is not enough for this package). You can use one that is shipped with docker running:

docker-compose up -d

and then run tests:


To stop the server use:

docker-compose down


Where do I report issues? If something is not working as expected, please open an issue in the main repository https://github.com/BRACKETS-by-TRIAD/craftable.