
Admin user interface template for Laravel 5.

Primary LanguageBladeMIT LicenseMIT

Admin UI

Admin UI is an administration template for Laravel 6 (LTS) & 7 & 8. It provides admin layout and basic UI elements to build up an administration area (CMS, e-shop, back-office, ...).

Example of an administration interface built with this package: Craftable administration area example

This packages is part of Craftable (brackets/craftable) - an administration starter kit for Laravel 6 (LTS) & 7 & 8. You should definitely have a look :)

You can find full documentation at https://docs.getcraftable.com/#/admin-ui


Where do I report issues? If something is not working as expected, please open an issue in the main repository https://github.com/BRACKETS-by-TRIAD/craftable.