
This repository contains my solutions to the assignments of the course CSE-322 provide by BUET CSE Department.

Primary LanguageC++

CSE-322 | Computer Networks

This repository contains my solutions to the assignments of the course CSE-322 provide by BUET CSE Department.

Here is the course outline.

Offline-1 | File Server System

socket programming tcp

Offline-2 | Simulating Static and Mobile Dumbbell Topology


  • Problem Specification

  • Static Dumbbell Topology Solution

  • Running Static Dumbbell Topology

    • Copy the wireless-static-dumbbell.cc file to scratch directory of ns3.
    • Copy the wireless-static-dumbbell.sh and gnuplotter.gp file to ns3 directory (ns-allinone-[version]/ns-[version]).
    • Run the wireless-static-dumbbell.sh file using the following command from ns3 directory:
       bash ./wireless-static-dumbbell.sh
    • A wireless-static-dumbbell-metrics folder will be created in ns3 directory. It will contain the metrics and graphs of the simulation.
  • Mobile Dumbbell Topology Solution

  • Running Mobile Dumbbell Topology

    • Copy the wireless-mobile-dumbbell.cc file to scratch directory of ns3.
    • Copy the wireless-mobile-dumbbell.sh and gnuplotter.gp file to ns3 directory (ns-allinone-[version]/ns-[version]).
    • Run the wireless-mobile-dumbbell.sh file using the following command from ns3 directory:
       bash ./wireless-mobile-dumbbell.sh
    • A wireless-mobile-dumbbell-metrics folder will be created in ns3 directory. It will contain the metrics and graphs of the simulation.

Offline-3 | Simulating Congestion Control Algorithms

ns3 tcp adaptive-reno

  • Problem Specification
  • Solution
  • Running Congestion Control Simulation

    • Copy tcp-adaptive-reno.cc and tcp-adaptive-reno.h files to src/internet/model directory of ns3. Follow the instructions at the beginning of task-2 in problem specification.
    • Make a congestion control directory in scratch directory of ns3. Copy congestion-control.cc, packet-source.h and packet-source.cc files to congestion control directory.
    • Copy all .gp and .sh files to ns3 directory.
    • Run the congestion-control.sh file using the following command from ns3 directory:
       bash ./congestion-control.sh
    • All the metrics and graphs will be created in congestion-control-metrics directory of ns3 directory.

Offline-4 | Error Detection and Correction

data link layer hamming code crc