MikroTik script to geolocate the device with just WiFi.
What is needed: Any MikroTik device with RouterOS system and a WiFi card.
Obtain the Google API Key for Geolocation API: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geolocation/get-api-key
Enter the key in the file instead of the XXXXXXXX:
:local apiKey "XXXXXXXX";
3a. Upload the file to your MikroTik router.
4a. Run the script with:
/import "geoMikroTik.rsc"
3b. Create a script on MikroTik router called "geoMikroTik" and paste the script code.
4b. Run the script with:
/system script run geoMikroTik
The results should look like:
Coordinates found:
Latitude: 56.9378815
Longitude: 24.0401126
Accuracy: 40.0 m
Direct Google Maps link: