
Historical Version Control records of BRL-CAD repositories


Historical Version Control records of BRL-CAD repositories

BRL-CAD has migrated its history from one software version control system to another multiple times in its history.

While the project has striven to retain the fidelity of its history in these conversions, the nature of the problem makes it difficult (or impossible, really) to retain all the quirks and nuances of the original VCS data in a new environment.

Accordingly, this repository holds the original data for BRL-CAD's CVS and SVN histories. If a problem should ever be discovered with the Git conversion of this history, this repository will preserve the original inputs to allow for direct inspection of the original data.

To increase the chances that these older repositories remain accessible, the source code to the tools required to work with them has also been directly included in the repository:

brlcad_cvs: uses cvs-1.11.23.tar.bz2

brlcad_svn: uses subversion