
A snakemake pipeline for statistical phasing of rare variants with Shapeit5

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Snakemake pipeline for phasing rare variants with SHAPEIT5

In essence, the computational pipeline involves five key rules or steps. Initially, rule-1 generates two BCF files per chromosome needed as input to Shapeit5. Rule-2 ("phase common"; common refers to AF>0.001) requires the phasing of array genotypes combined with high-freq WES variants to serve as a scaffold for rare variants in rule-3. Additionally, the selection of trios facilitates phasing through Mendelian transmission in rule-4, which is needed for the assessment of statistical phasing in rule-5. While rules 4 & 5 are optional, they are advantageous to include. From a computational standpoint, steps 2 and 3 pose the most significant challenges in the process.

Pipeline overview (rules)

  1. prepare BCF files (common & rare)
  2. phase common for the whole cohort (the scaffold)
  3. phase rare for the whole cohort, in chunks
  4. prepare and phase trios (just common variants; phase using the script for step-2)
  5. assess phasing and get files with the PP distribution (needed for plotting).

Required input

  • {TAG}.100trios.pedigree: a list of {child,father,mother} triplets for trio phasing. See here.
  • Several lists of sample IDs, such as mapping between array and WES (optional).
  • Genetic maps and lists of chunks, per chromosome (see the corresponding scripts; what's out for build mismatches)
  • A few parameters for Shapeit5 which are already set.
  • Data assumed at hand: BED for array; VCF for WES. Fix the corresponding paths in Snakefile.

Important notes

  • Software dependencies: bcftools (+HTSlib), PLINK v1.9, SHAPEIT5, Snakemake (+Python).
  • The working directory should be the one from where the scripts will be executed. Given the size of your sample data, it’s likely that the intermediate files will be substantially large. Therefore, it might be useful to change the temporary folder (./sandbox) to another with a larger disk space allocation.
  • A few lists of sample IDs -- such as a map between array and WES indices, list of parents, etc -- are required in several parts of the pipeline. These can be generated once, e.g. with the smk_00_prep_sample_lists.sh, and are assumed to be in the sample_lists folder. But this file is GNH-specific, so please create any such lists as needed. In fact, this step could be skipped completely!
  • Also, if no trios are sequenced, "phase_trios" and "assess_phasing" are not possible, thus the corresponding rules can be left out. In this case,
  • Each script requires a few params, such as paths to genetic maps, or chunk lists. These are not pre-defined and need to be passed as arguments.
  • For trio phasing, as min-AC ~ 1/300, no rare variants exist, thus phasing is just one step. This is performed with smk_02_phase_common.sh, but with the appropriate input (a BCF for trios-only and the pedigree).
  • [TODO] The SER analysis is performed using the switch tool provided by SHAPEIT5 - this might need to change , as we can similarly work with bcftools +trio-switch-rate ..., which requires simpler input.
  • Now using ligate instead of concat within phase-rare.
  • We need to use Shapeit v5.0.0 ("preprint version" so as to get PP values for singletons. See the discussion here.
  • In case you face the "Invalid CONTIG id -1", see here, though the above solution should work anyway. These are the reasons why a combination of binaries and modules for Shapeit5; please choose what's best.

How to - LSF

  • One way to make the pipeline work is to comment the rule "run_all" appropriately in Snakefile.
  • the following will start the pipeline and submit all jobs with all the jobs required: snakemake --cluster "bsub -M 16G -R 'select[mem>16G] rusage[mem=16G]' -n10 -G team281 -q normal -o run_all.stdout -e run_all.stderr" --jobs 10 --latency-wait 10 -T 2 run_all
  • first run the following the initialise the required folders: mkdir -p phased_genotypes_common phased_genotypes_rare phasing_assessment sandbox

GK - Sep 26th, 2023