
An Android app to browse movie posters and view their details.

Primary LanguageJava

Popular Movies Stage 2

For Udacity Android Nanodegree Project 2

Add your TMDB API key in the gradle.properties file.

This project queries the TMDB database for popular movies and top rated movies. It then displays them in a grid with more details when a movie is clicked on. A sql database saves all the content. There is also a favorites database implemented.

  • Upon launch, present the user with an grid arrangement of movie posters.
  • Allow your user to change sort order via a setting:
    • The sort order can be by most popular, or by top rated
  • Allow the user to tap on a movie poster and transition to a details screen with additional information.
  • You’ll allow users to view and play trailers ( either in the youtube app or a web browser).
  • You’ll allow users to read reviews of a selected movie.
  • You’ll also allow users to mark a movie as a favorite in the details view by tapping a button(star). This is for a local movies collection that you will maintain and does not require an API request*.








