code style: prettier

HMS is a website that connects doctors, patients, and ambulance providers. Patients can select a date and doctor to consult, and the system will automatically generate an appointment time based on the doctor's schedule. Patients can also view their current and past appointments and book ambulance services. Doctors can accept or reject appointments, view all their current and past appointments, and upload detailed prescriptions for patients.

Visit Online

This website is hosted at []

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Your machine should have Npm(or Yarn), Node.js, and MongoDB installed to use it locally.

Setup and Installation

Setting up the repository locally

  1. First clone the repo 🍴 to your account.
    Go to the forked repo and clone it 👥 to your local machine:
git clone

This will make a copy of the code to your local machine.

  1. Now move to the Health-Management-System directory.
cd Health-Management-System
  1. Now, install all the necessary dependencies by the following command:
npm install

Run locally

Run the below command to start the server:

npm run dev

Go to: http://localhost:4000