- AlexMufeng
- AlpacaRex大吴
- Bazoka13
- BirdChristopher
- buaa-gavinPeking University
- china123sky
- Couteau69586UCPH
- DovahkiinGABUAA
- dxpcccUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- fritz1149
- GenhaoLi
- Gensokyoswf
- hribzInstitute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- hrQAQBeihang University
- hrx20000209
- hywhuangyuwei
- kurinokaitouBeiHang University
- leozhuddUniversity of Waterloo
- LiquidAsteroid
- lzy248
- MiserableFaithAI
- nameless-cat1
- Qiuxsi
- Runder-sunShanghai Jiaotong University
- shenhaidaliziHarbin Institute of Technology
- shensanfei
- sherryzhouxiaorui北京市海淀区
- TheSaint-LazareStation
- thweetkomputer
- Tianshi-Xu
- wokron
- xz1548
- Yangbei1520
- ybb528
- yiyeah
- zwx2238