
API for NYU's course catalog

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

PSA: NYU has implemented reCAPTCHA on the current data source for Schedge.

The scraper for semesters after the Captcha was added is in progress, but will take time. Please let BUGS know if you have found a data source other than https://sis.nyu.edu/psc/csprod/EMPLOYEE/SA/c/NYU_SR.NYU_CLS_SRCH.GBL, and if so, we we may be able to provide data sooner.


Schedge is an open source API to NYU's course catalog. Its goal is to help NYU students plan their semesters' courses easier and faster.

NYU Albert is really annoying to use. The goal with this API is to make it easier for students to plan their schedules, and eventually to also do some of that for them.

API DOCS: https://nyu.a1liu.com/api/

NOTE: The previous version of Schedge has been deprecated, and will not have up-to-date data for semesters after Fall 2022.

The service that Schedge previously depended on was removed by NYU, and its replacement uses an entirely different data model, so Schedge v2 (the current version) contains breaking changes.

Deprecated V1 API DOCS: https://schedge.a1liu.com/


Data on Schedge is gotten from scraping NYU public-facing websites. This means that the data you get from this API is not necessarily up to date with the courses on Albert; this is mostly important for things like whether a course is open, or how large the waitlist is. Additionally, Schedge doesn't get updates from NYU when things change, so for example, if a professor changes a course description, and there wasn't a scrape afterwards, Schedge won't pick it up.

Apps that use Schedge

Here's a list of apps that use this API:

If your project uses Schedge, please open a PR and add it to this list! You should also consider sharing it with the CS@NYU Discord.


Please take a look at contributing guide. It will provide you a general overview of the project and how to contribute.