
Scrape for Fall 2023 Schedule

zhumingcheng697 opened this issue · 6 comments

Fall 2023 schedule is on Albert now!

A1Liu commented

The data source is borked, NYU IT added reCaptcha.

A1Liu commented

Hopefully yes, although its still in beta which is not very exciting.

Thanks for finding this!

I just developed https://nyu.myschedule.xyz/#/ NYU course schedule days ago, including Fall 2023 courses. I'm planning to use schedge api to get the history courses.

A1Liu commented

@onehumanbeing nice! If you'd like, you can open a PR and add a link to your project to Schedge's README.

As a sidenote, where are you getting your data from? Bulletins seems to be empty, and sis.nyu.edu is captcha'd. Are you scraping using a real NYU login?

@A1Liu Yep I just saw this repo and maybe I will finish coding and open a PR maybe in today.
I'm got the data just from sis.nyu.edu.
Though it's captcha'd, selenium works. you can just finish the captcha only once per scraping by yourself and let selenium listen to the element and start working. You can contact me by linkedin on my github page and I'm open to share my code or cache files to you as a contributor. No NYU Account is needed.