Ensuring that all your plants are consistently watered is actually pretty difficult. Water My Plants is a React app that helps to solve those problems.

With an easy to use interface for creating a plant watering schedule tailored to each individual plant, WaterMyPlants will remind users when it's time to feed that foliage and quench your plants' thirst.

  1. user can sign-up / create an account by providing a unique username, a valid mobile phoneNumber and a password.
  2. user can login to an authenticated session using the credentials provided at account creation / signup.
  3. Authenticated user can Create, Update and Delete a plant object. At a minimum, each plant must have the following properties:
    • id: Integer
    • nickname: String
    • species : String
    • h2oFrequency: Type determined by implementation
    • image: (optional)
  4. Authenticated user can view a list of created plants. A plant can be deleted or selected to present user with a detail view where user can then update any property of the selected plant.
  5. Authenticated user can update their phoneNumber and password.
  6. Authenticated user can update their phoneNumber and password