
react sleep tracker app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project title

Sleep Tracker


Not everyone needs the same amount of sleep. With sleep tracker, you can track the times that you go to sleep and wake up. Along with the times, you can mark your mood of how you feel waking up. Being able to track the amount of hours slept, along with your mood, the user is able to determine what is the best sleeping pattern for them to be as happy, productive and well rested.

Code style

Formatted using Prettier and Beautify



Include logo/demo screenshot etc.

Tech/framework used

React, Redux.js, Node.js, Express.js, SQLite3

Built with


  • Track hours slept and mood
  • Discover your optimal sleep pattern


Use a CLI to install packages using *npm install or yarn install. Once packages are installed, use npm start or yarn run to start the react app.


Issac Moreno, Gus Baden