
From daws78s

Primary LanguageShell

EKS Install

NOTE: This is for the lab purpose, not for PROD purpose.

How to provision EKS Cluster?

Below software are mandatory to provision EKS Cluster.

  • Eksctl
  • AWS CLI V2
  • Kubectl

We can create one EC2 Server and use it as work station to create EKS cluster or We can use our laptop as workstation to create EKS Cluster

alt text

eksctl is the popular tool to provision EKS cluster. We make use of spot instances to save the cost.

# spot-cluster.yaml

apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig

  name: spot-cluster
  region: ap-south-1


# `instanceTypes` defaults to [`m5.large`]
- name: spot-1
  spot: true
