
Serverless GraphQL Boilerplate using Apollo – Ready to be deployed to production within minutes …

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless GraphQL

This starter kit is an opinionated set of tools combined to help you get started building a Serverless application with an GraphQL endpoint and deploy them to production in minutes.

This example uses the following technologies:

  • Frontend

    • Apollo Client
    • React
  • Backend

    • Serverless
    • Apollo Lambda Server
    • Serverless Webpack
    • Serverless Offline

System Architecture

serverless application architecture v2

Directory Layout

├── /app-client/                     # React Client with Apollo Integration
│   ├── /public/                     # front End Utils
│   │   ├── /index.html              # main html file to render react app
│   │   ├── /...                     # front end metadata
│   ├── /src/                        # react app code logic
│   │   ├── /componenets/            # react componenets
│   │   ├── /App.js                  # react application logic
│   │   ├── /index.js                # react dom render
│   │   ├── /...                     # etc.
│   ├── /package.json                # react app dependencies
├── /foundation/                     # Server Side Utils
│   ├── /app-server/                 # Serverless with Apollo Integration
│   │   ├── /handler.js              # AWS Lambda - Apollo Lambda Server
│   │   ├── /package.json            # server side dependencies
│   │   ├── /resolvers.js            # graphql resolvers
│   │   ├── /schema.js               # graphql schema
│   │   └── /server.js               # Express server - Apollo Express
│   │   └── /serverless.yaml         # Serverless yaml for AWS deployment
│   │   └── /webpack.config.js       # Webpack server side code with ES6
│   ├── /environment/                # Configuration files
│   │   └── /security.env.local      # local
│   │   └── /security.env.prod       # production
│   ├── /generateConfig/             # Authentication Configuration files
│   │   └── /index.js                # configs
│   ├── /jest/                       # Unit Testing
│   │   ├── /cssMock.js              # tests
│   │   ├── /fileMock.js             # tests
└── README.MD                        # information

Start Server

You need to have Node 6 or higher installed.

npm install -g serverless

Install Front and Backend

cd foundation/app-server
npm install
cd ../../app-client
npm install

Test Locally - Use Apollo Lambda Server

# Start Server http://localhost:4000/graphql
cd foundation/app-server
npm run start-server-lambda:offline

Start Client

# Start Client http://localhost:3000
cd app-client
npm start


# Start Client http://localhost:3000
cd foundation/app-server
npm run start-client-local

Setup for Production

Use live data from the development environment. You need to make sure you have access to your deployed lambda functions. This works only after you deployed it to production.

cd foundation/app-server
npm run deploy-server-lambda-prod

deploy feedback


We use Jest as a test runner. To run all tests use

npm run test

To update component snapshots after updating a component use

npm run test:update

Multiple package.json

In order to keep the total amount of code uploaded to AWS Lambda small the foundation/app-server directory containing the Serverless service has it's own package.json. This speeds up uploading and also should reduce the cold start time of Lambda functions. You don't have to run npm install manually at any point. It will only happen during deploy, but you need make sure every library you are consuming in your GraphQL endpoint is added as a dependency there.


  • dependencies: dependencies used by the front-end
  • devDependencies: dependencies used to package the front-end application & running the local environment


  • dependencies: dependencies used on AWS Lambda