
A discord bot that somehow works. (Hopefully)

Primary LanguagePython



Built with interactions.py.


1. invite the bot to your server

  1. create a discord bot here
  2. go to SETTINGS > OAuth2 > URL Generator
  3. in SCOPES, select bot
  4. in BOT PERMISSIONS > TEXT PERMISSIONS, select Send Messages and Use Slash Commands
  5. copy the GENERATED URL and paste it in your browser
  6. copy the TOKEN in SETTINGS > Bot > Built-A-Bot > TOKEN

2. set up the bot locally

  1. make sure python 3.10+ is installed
    1. check the version by running python --version
    2. if not installed, download it here
  2. clone the repository by running git clone https://github.com/BWsix/dough.git
  3. cd into the directory by running cd dough
  4. install the dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. rename .env.example to .env and configure the variables
  6. run the bot by running python main.py


  1. cd into the directory by running cd dough
  2. pull the latest changes by running git pull
  3. install the dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. open /scripts in file explorer and double click update.bat

Running the bot 24/7 in the background

pm2 is a process manager for Node.js applications. It allows you to keep applications alive forever, to reload them without downtime and to facilitate common system admin tasks.


  1. install pm2 by running npm install pm2 -g


  1. cd into the directory by running cd dough
  2. start the bot by running pm2 start main.py --name discord-bot
  3. stop the bot by running pm2 stop discord-bot
  4. monitor the bot by running pm2 monit


  1. open /scripts in file explorer and double click start.bat / stop.bat / monitor.bat

Bot Usage

(in dm) /upload [image] - upload rips anonymously