#BYTEPOETS Swift Project Template
- Create a Swift XCode Project with:
- Podfile and XCGlogger dependency
- SwiftLint
- SwiftGen
- Fastlane
##How to
- Copy the BYTEPOETS folder to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates.
- Install SwiftLint (https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint)
- In XCode go to File -> New Project and select the BYTEPOETS Swift Template.
- Enter your Apple ID and your Apple Team ID (both are used for fastlane)
- Change the Path to XCode if necessary (only relevant for fastlane)
##Post Project Creation Steps:
- Delete the "zzz_delete_me_after_generation" folder (this is used to work around an issue with the xcode project template)
- Fix ordering of the SwiftLint and SwiftGen Build Phases
- SwiftGen after TargetDependencies step
- SwiftLint after CompileSources step
- Close the project and run pod install in the project directory
- Open the .xcworkspace file
##Important Environment Variables
- The password of your Apple Developer account (used by fastlane to upload your app)
- The password of your keychain (used by fastlane for provisioning profiles)
##Build and deploy with fastlane
- Make sure the app (same bundle identifier) exists in iTunes Connect
- Run fastlane build && appstore
- Builds the project and uploads the app to Testflight