Guidance for Society Officers

The mission of the BYUI Data Science Society is to build employable skills for careers related to data science.


  • Welcome students to society every week.
  • Along with VP of Projects, be able to advise students on which project to join.
  • Along with VP of Outreach, promote DSS by attending/speaking at University Events, hosting booths, and answering student questions.
  • Pass along any news/announcments to VP of Communication for the newsletter.

Vice President of Projects

  • Understand the scope of every project, and be able to advise new students on which project to join.
  • Set up blank repositories for each project and make sure PMs have the correct permissions in GitHub.

Vice President of Communication

  • Post announcements in Slack.
  • Send weekly email newletter with updates and announcements.

Vice President of Outreach

  • Promote DSS by attending events and hosting booths (assisted by President and other officers/advisors).
  • Manage the DSS I-Belong page.