This repo is dedicated to hacking toyota powertrain control modules.The specific focus is going to be 4A-GE related PCMs and the 1UZ PCM and anything else anyone requests. A copy of IDA 4.9 Free will be required to open the .IDB files. BISON is a loader/debugger inspired by the old HC11 tool BUFFALO. Some simple commands are available to permit easy loading and testing of code into RAM - much faster than runing test code from a flash or E/EPROM chip. BISON, just like BUFFALO, is an acronym - I will not say here what it stands for as it is lame, just like BUFFALO. BISON is beta-complete, no warranties blah blah blah. BISON was mostly written on an airplane in economy class - that's my excuse for sloppy code or snarky comments. BISON is completly unrelated to the general purpose grammar parser. Notes: The Bluetop PCM uses a nippondenso specific issue of the hitachi HD6301v1 processor. 1UZ PCM uses the toshiba 8x processor. CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT: The d151801 REQUIRES the power rails to come up BEFORE being released from /res. Failure to do so will cause unpredictible behaviour. D151801 also has some special extra hardware compared to the vanilla HD6301: 192 bytes of RAM starting at 0x0040; and an extra input capture/output compare module, using port 1-0 and port 1-1, with registers at 0x18 (byte), 0x1b (word) and 0x1d (word). basically the extra timer hardware is cloned from the normal hardware, registers moved up 0x10 bytes and driven by the timer at 0x0009. timer interrupts are muxed between both set of hardware. See {cap,cmp}{1,2}test.asm A copy of dasm got lumped in here because it was what I used to assemble the reader code for the D151801 bluetop microprocessor. Nobody associated with this repo is responsible for dasm. SCHEMATICS are done with ExpressPCB custom software, available free from their website. I know it sucks... and I apologize. bluetop/cap.bin is the same as cap1-151801-0642.bin, literally pulled from the same chip two different times. apologies that the main disassembly is cap.asm, and not the more appropriately named cap1-151801-0642.asm Keywords: Denso AE86 Corolla GTS 4A-GE Bluetop Redtop Blacktop 1.6L twin cam 16 valve 1.6L twin cam 20 Valve D151801 D151801-0642 D151801-2860 Hitachi 6301 HD6301 SC400 LS400 1UZ-FE 4.0L quad cam 32 valve D151803 D151803-9260 D151803-1320 D151802 D151802-0442 D151804 D151804-8081