Fast WebApp Setup Guide

This guide will walk you through setting up a web application using Vite React for the frontend, Django Python for the backend, and PostgreSQL for the database. In production, the frontend is served by nginx.


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine
  • Node.js and npm installed for frontend development
  • Python environment set up for Django development


  1. Environment Variables: Start by configuring your environment variables. You'll find a .env file in the repository for this purpose. Fill in the variables according to your specific environment needs.

Launching Services with Docker

  1. Start the Database:
    • Use Docker Compose to launch the PostgreSQL database:
      docker compose up -d --build
    This command builds and starts the database container in detached mode.

Backend Setup

  1. Database Migrations: With the database running, it's time to set up the Django backend. Navigate to the back folder and run:

    python makemigrations
    python migrate

    These commands generate and apply database migrations.

  2. Start the Development Server:

    • Launch the Django development server by running:

      python runserver YOUR_ADRESS:YOUR_PORT
    • Remember to replace YOUR_ADRESS and YOUR_PORT with the actual address and port you're using for development.

    • Update your .env file with the development server's address for the frontend to use:


Frontend Setup

  1. Launch the Frontend Development Server:
    • Navigate to the frontend directory and start the Vite React development server:
      npm run dev
    Your frontend is now set up and should be able to communicate with the Django backend.

Development and Production

  • You can now proceed with developing your web application. The setup supports hot reloading for both frontend and backend, facilitating rapid development.
  • For production deployment, the Docker container includes nginx for serving the frontend. Ensure you have configured nginx according to your production needs.

This guide provides a quick way to get your development environment up and running. As you progress, you may need to adjust configurations and setups to match your specific requirements. Happy coding!

Feel free to adjust any part of this guide to better fit your project specifics or personal preferences.