
Webpage that allows users to streamline the process of creating a new project compliant with the KASTEL competence center guide lines.

Getting Started

To download the website simply click on the download link on github or run git clone https://github.com/Baakel/KastelEditor.git on your bash terminal.


To run this server you need a computer running python 3.5 or later and Docker-CE 18.09 or later. You will also need the following packages installed Requirements


after downloading, simply cd into the KastelEditor directory and run the command docker-compose up -d. The first time it will build the KastelEditor app image and it will download the mysql image. This will also create the db volume.


To start the server you need to cd into the KastelEditor directory and run the docker-compose up -d. Your port 5000 needs to be free for this to run. To access the server simply go to http://localhost:5000/ To stop the server run the docker-compose down command. This will stop all active containers and remove them. The database volume will not be removed this way. If you change anything in the codebase you will need to rebuild the KastelEditor Image, to do this run docker-compose build.

If you do any changes to the models of the database you need to migrate them before rebuilding the image. To do this run export FLASK_APP=kastel.py and then run flask db migrate



Built With

  • Python 3.5 - Language used
  • Flask - Web framework used
  • Docker - Container Engine
  • SQLite - Database used locally to test
  • MySQL - Database used inside the container