
Malaria ( HTML ) project is basically developing a web application where we will spread awareness regarding Malaria by playing games. All stages will be locked in starting point , and as user progresses new stages will be unlocked.


There there will be 4 main stages

  1. Introduction
  2. Malaria 101
  3. Medication & Labels
  4. Peace Corps Policy.

All stages will be locked in starting point , and as user progresses new stages will be unlocked.

--Introduction : Three activities / games relating to the Introduction(These introduction activities/games can be your creativity.)

--Malaria 101 : Three activities / games relating to the disease. (These activities/games can be your creativity.)

--Medication & Labels : Three activities / games relating to medications/ diagnosis of malaria (These activities/games can be your creativity.)

--PC Policy : No activities/games , only policies of PC .

Each stage thus has three levels . As the user unlocks a stage , his progress is reported in form of fraction . For example , if a user completes one activity of the Introduction stage - It must display 1/3 for Introduction (Use creativity). As user progresses , stages will be unlocked .

There is a Info-Kit section (i) at the bottom right , which will act as a repository of Knowledge/data relating to malaria . (One can include his/her creativity on what all can be included in it )

******While designing a game/activity , keep in mind the Educational perspective of the game ********