A walk through Reinforcement Learning --- Delhi Women in Machine Learning & Data Science

Session on Reinforcement Learning on 12th January, 2019.

Link to the slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xMFprYVlrvYiv4dmqPfNThCEhb9IkAlcxApJrWyxuhA/edit?usp=sharing

Instructions to run the demo code:

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/BaaniLeen/WiMLDS-Session---Reinforcement-Learning.git

  2. Change the directory: cd WiMLDS-Session---Reinforcement-Learning/Repo\ Files

  3. Install Open AI gym: pip3 install gym Alternatively you can set up a virtual environment and then set up gym.

  4. Run the QL Algorithm file: python3 QL.py

You can find the Demo video, showing the above steps in the Repo\ Files folder.