In this application “Pokemon Picker” have some features, such as
- Search, sort & filter pokemon
- View detail of pokemon (ability, stats, etc)
- Catch pokemon
- List caught pokemon
- Release pokemon
- Select avatar
- Explained on Tutorials (my collection > 3 dot icon )
How to catch & release the pokemon
you could try the Deployed Frontend here
- please inform me, if the server got down, chat me at linkedin
Clone the project
git clone (url)
Go to the project directory
cd (folder name)
Install depedencies
npm i
Run NextJs project
npm run dev
Finally your Pokemon Picker has been launch 🚀🚀🚀
Start check test case
npm run test
Start check
npm run cypress open
- node js
- next js
- typescript
- eslint
- prettier
- antd
- axios
- dexie js (connect to browser DB)
- jest
- cypress
- etc
- IndexedDB
- git
- github
- vscode
- vercel
With all my lack skill and limited time. So there are many features that should be improved in the next progress. Such as:
- Offline handler
- More unit testing
- More integration testing (E2E)
- Etc