
Primary LanguageJavaScript

SoinVet web application

SoinVet is a web-based system written in Python 3 and using Django framework with the following functionalities. 1.Register new users (Veterinary officers, Farmers and Students) 2.Log in registered users and be directed to their respective dashboards. 3.Veterinary officers can take appointments from farmers. 4.Veterinary officers can take veterinary related records like artificial insemination, breeding record, calf registration, clinical approach, consultation, death approach, deworming, livestock inventory, pregnancy diagnosis, sick approach and vaccination. 5.Farmers can view and book appointments with Veterinary officers. 6.Farmers can retrieve their respective forms entered by veterinary officers. 7.Farmers can take inventory of their farm. 8.Admin can create learning resources for students 9.Students can access learning resources

In progress

3.Veterinary officers can take appointments from farmers. 5.Farmers can view and book appointments with Veterinary officers. 7.Farmers can take inventory of their farm 8.Admin can create learning resources for students 9.Students can access learning resources

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You will find hereafter what I use to develop and to run the project

  • Python 3.9.1
  • Django 3.1.5
  • pipenv (not mandatory but highly recommended)


Get a local copy of the project directory by cloning "SoinVet" from github.

git clone git@github.com:BabGee/SoinVet.git

cd into the folder

cd SoinVet

I use pipenv for developing this project so I recommend you to create a virtual environment and activate it.

python -m pipenv shell

Install the requirements

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Then follow these steps:

  1. Move to root folder
cd vetWeb/soin
  1. Create a .env file in the root folder, provide the required database information to the .env file (.env.example file is provided to help set this information)

  2. Create the tables with the django command line

python manage.py makemigrations

then migrate the changes

python manage.py migrate
  1. Finally, run the django server
python manage.py runserver

Built With


I use exclusively Github


This is an open source project not under any particular license. However framework, packages and libraries used are on their own licenses.