
Calculate spectral dimensions of arbitrary fractal structures

Primary LanguageC++

Calculate spectral dimensions of fractal structures

This project can calculate spectral dimensions of arbitrary fractal structures. Each fractal structure inherits the class WalkableGraph. This virtual class provides all methods needed to start a multi-core-simulation to calculate the spectral dimension.

The simulation works as follows: Multiple random walkers were spawned at a defined start-point in the WalkableGraph. After that, we let the random walkers move randomly from one neighbour to another. When a walker comes back to the start-point, we write the number of performed steps to a .tsv-file.

We use the mathematical theorem, that the recurrence-probability p_0 of a random walk on a graph should follow for large amount of steps n


where a is an arbitrary constant and d is the searched spectral dimension.

To create a new fractal structure one has to provide a new class which inherits from WalkableGraph. A constructor for the class has to be written. Furthermore, on has to add the method hopToNeighbour(unsigned int n) which describes to which neighbour a walker can hop from its actual node. The unsigned int n is a random number between 0 and amountOfNeighbours specified in the super-constructor. The used RNG is the MT19937 from <Random.h>.



  1. CMake https://cmake.org/install/
  2. MATLAB for post-analysis

How to compile?

This is a CMake-Project. Compilation and building is pretty easy. Simply run in main folder via terminal:

cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --target Fractal_Dimensions -- -j 6

The binary is located in ./cmake-build-release/bin/fractals.

Simulation results

2D Euclidean lattice

In this simulation we observe 8E5 random walkers while walking on a 2D euclidean lattice. We normalize the resulting histogram of comebacks and draw it in a loglog-scatter-printToConsole against the number of steps.

One observes the following printToConsole:

Fit Euclidean 2D

The expected spectral dimension od a 2D euclidean lattice is 2. But in this simulation we observe 2.29 with a small statistical error! This is an effect of auto-correlations. These occur because we measure not only the probability for coming back one time from start-point to start-point, moreover we measure the probability for coming back twice, three-times and so on. So every next measurement is influenced by its predecessors. This results in awful auto-correlation-times and as a consequence in large systematical errors.

3D Euclidean lattice

In this simulation we observe 4.6E7 random walkers while walking on a 3D euclidean lattice. We normalize the resulting histogram of comebacks and draw it in a loglog-scatter-printToConsole against the number of steps.

One observes the following printToConsole:

Fit Euclidean 3D

The expected spectral dimension od a 3D euclidean lattice is 3. We can observe this in our simulation because the systematical errors due to auto-correlations aren't that high. This is a consequence of the lower comeback-rate in 3D.

Bethe lattice

In this simulation we observe 12.6E6 random walkers while walking on a Bethe-lattice. A short description what a Bethe-lattice is can be read on Wikipedia. We normalize the resulting histogram of comebacks and draw it in a semi-log-scatter-printToConsole against the number of steps.

One observes the following printToConsole:

Bethe Lattice

It can be stated that a Bethe-lattice does not satisfy the above law for 'normal' graphs with a power law. On the contrary, one can see that there is an exponential dependence here with

p_0=a*\exp^{\beta n}

One can therefore conclude that the spectral dimension diverges towards infinity.

Interesting literature:

