Code challenge

So you made it to the Code Challenge šŸ„³

What we are building

The app we are building is fairly simple and open-ended for you to make the decisions.

The requirements are the following:

Use the dummy data from /dummyData/applications.json (this is 1:1 application data as we actually ingest from typeform, though with generated fake data)

  1. Create a page rendering a list of restaurants.
  2. From each of the restaurant's, the user should be able to select one restaurant which navigates to a list of applications belonging to that specfic restaurant.
  3. Selecting an application from the list should display a profile of that applicant (also from the dummy data set).
  4. There should be an indicator of if the user has not already viewed the applicant profile.
  • BONUS: The user will be able to navigate between profiles by swiping


  • The Project is bootstrapped with The Official Guide please refer to that id you have any issues.
  • NodeJs installed
  • Android and/or iOS environment (refer to the docs if needed)
  • We will use Expo to make the setup easy.


  • It should work out of the box npm install -g expo-cli (if you don't have it already)
  • npm install
  • yarn ios & yarn start (for iOS)
  • yarn android & yarn start (for Android)


So we expect an app that would work like the mentioned in the top of the description.

We will evaluate it on the following:

  • How you structure your project(s),
  • How you decide to parse the application (and why?)
  • If the application fulfills the 4 use cases
  • Quality of the code (readability, structure, etc.)
  • Explainations and considerations for the solutions
  • Use of react concepts
  • If we can actually run the full project solution

We will NOT evaluate it on the following:

  • Design (UI)
  • Tests (though it would be cool, but not required at all)
  • Time spent on the solution


If you have any questions or issue with the above please let me know! You can always reach me at