Data and evaluation code for the paper WikiNEuRal: Combined Neural and Knowledge-based Silver Data Creation for Multilingual NER (EMNLP 2021).
- 1ytic@5vision @speechpro @sprout-ai @NVIDIA
- ABorghini
- achuthasubhashGUNTUR , INDIA
- apmoore1Lancaster University
- BeniaDev
- cane-punma
- cdchushig
- chen-yuxuanFreie Universität Berlin
- ChristophAltBayer
- devanshkhandekarIndia
- FlegyasRome, Italy
- fly51flyPRIS
- gnfti
- hos-arafatRome, Italy
- jd-codereposGerman National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)
- LittlePea13Rome
- ljvmiranda921@allenai
- mrjjHead of R&D in Rusian State Library
- NazaGaraSaarbrücken, Germany
- Nguyendat-bitUniversity Of Transport Technology
- orieg@adobe
- orlandxrfUNAM - IIMAS - DISCA
- pistocopInjenia srl
- prd-tai-le
- pz325Talentticker
- QiProject
- RiccorlPhD @SapienzaNLP
- RodolfoFerroBisonic México
- StanMeyUtrecht University
- sted97PhD Student at @SapienzaNLP group | NLP Researcher at @Babelscape.
- Unintented
- up-to-you
- volkanovska
- vpsvps
- ZimingDaiTianjin University
- ZLinFeng