Docker entrypoint and server exercises


Install Docker and run hello-world

Exercise 1

  1. Create a folder cmd, that contains two files: Dockerfile and index.js.
  2. To index.js, add printing the first command-line parameter in format "Hello ${param}!".
  3. Write a Dockerfile that runs that file (as an entrypoint).
  4. Add a command-line parameter to the docker command execution and make sure it prints "Hello ${param}!", e.g. "Hello world!".

Exercise 2

  1. Create a folder cmd, that contains three files: Dockerfile, package.json and server.js.
  2. Add express or koa to package.json.
  3. Install npm dependencies
  4. Make server.js answer to endpoint / and return "Hello world".
  5. Add node, package.json and server.js to Dockerfile
  6. Run server using docker.

Exercise 3

Add docker-compose.yml to exercise 2 and run the server through that.