
Create serverless telegram chatbot in super group using google app script and CHATGPT api


How to create serverless telegram chatbot using google app script and CHATGPT API from OpenAI. image




Getting Started - Google App Script Project

[1] Goto https://script.google.com/home , click "New Project" image

[2] Write the scripts, copy paste from below template url :



[3] Rename the project

Click on the "Untitled project" to rename the project as something else. Example, "My ChatGPT bot".


[4] Deploy as google web app In the Google App Script project, go to "Publish" in the top navigation bar. Under "Deploy as web app", select "Deploy". This will open a pop-up window. Your web app URL will be listed in the "Current web app URL" field.

Click on the "Deploy - New Deployment"


Click "Select type - Web App"


Fill in the form and click "Deploy". ( for more see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AlstV1PAaA )


Copy the web app url to the clipboard for later use.

[5] Update the values of webappUrl in the script. Change the value of statement, paste the url address into here.

var webappUrl = "paste_here";

[6] Update the values of token in the script. Find your Telegram chatbot token by logging into the BotFather in Telegram, selecting your bot, and clicking the "API Token" button. ( see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNmRNjME6mE ) Change the value of statement, paste the bot token into here.

var token = "replace_here";

[7] Update the values of apiKey in the script. The api secret key for Chat GPT is located in the My Apps page of your Chat GPT dashboard. ( for more see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFmmiYlbgX0 ) Change the value of statement, paste the api secret key into here.

var apiKey = "replace_here";

[8] Save the script and REDO the deployment process in step 4 since the code has been changed to fill in the webappUrl, token, apiKey.

[9] Run the "setWebhook" function for only once to make sure actual telegram bot able to callback this google web app. image

Your telegram bot is ready !