
A shopping list app built with vanilla HTML and JavaScript.

Primary LanguageHTML

Shopping List App

This was the first app that I ever created, and after I had only been coding for six weeks in total.

It is a simple microservices infrastructure app built with vanilla HTML and JavaScript.

It allows users to add items to the shopping list, view the shopping list, and delete the shopping list.

The front-end HTML page sends information to local host 3000 – and this information is intercepted by the server at the same address. The information is then saved in an array.




To run this app:

  • Please note that this front-end repository, works in conjunction with the back-end repository, which can be found HERE

  • Clone down both repositories using an IDE such as VS Code.

  • In both repos: CD into the shopping-list-app file

  • In both repos: Run the command Npm i - to install all the necessary dependencies.

  • In the back-end repo: Run the command Npm run dev - in order to start the server running - and you will see the message "Welcome to your server".
  • In the front-end repo: Open the html page using live server.


  • Add items to the shopping list

  • View the shopping list

  • Delete the shopping list


If you have any feedback, please raise an issue in the issues tab or reach out to me on GitHub at:


or on LinkedIn: