Agora Token Generator using AWS Lambda


Agora uses digital tokens to authenticate users and their privileges before they can join a channel. This project contains the python code to generate these tokens using AWS lambda function


  • An Agora developer account
  • A project in Agora Console with an App ID, and App Certificate.
  • A Amazon Web Service (AWS Account)


If you follow the instructions below, you'll get a RESTful URL endpoint. With this URL, you'll be able to generate token for any Agora channels and UID.


How to create the Lambda function on AWS

  • Search for 'Lambda'
  • Create function
  • Select 'Author from scratch'
  • Basic Information -> Input the function name, select "Python 3.x" for runtime, select "x86_64" architecture
  • Advanced Information -> Select "Enable Function URL" and NONE for auth type. And check "Configure for cross-region origin sharing (CORS)", then finally create function
  • Copy and paste the py code to your lambda function. (Make sure to add your own Agora appId and app certificate)

How to use the Lambda function