Halide SAR Application Demo

An (in progress) SAR application written in Halide. Based on the RITSAR backprojection implementation.


  • C/C++ compiler with C++17 support, including standard library features, e.g. GCC >= 7.3
  • Distributed Halide and transitive dependencies (e.g., LLVM 11 and MPI); see also Halide
  • cnpy
  • FFTW3
  • MPI, e.g., OpenMPI


Build with CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/fftw-install-prefix/lib/pkgconfig/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/path/to/halide-install-prefix/lib64/cmake/Halide/;/path/to/cnpy-install-prefix/"
make -j


Two datasets are available for testing.

  • The AFRL dataset contains 469 radar pulses, and the output image is 512x512
  • The Sandia dataset contains 1999 radar pulses, and the output image is 2048x2048


To run the backprojection test with the AFRL dataset:

./sarbp -p ../data/AFRL/pass1/HH_npy -o AFRL.png -d -30.0 -D 0.0 -t 17 -u 2

or with a GPU CUDA schedule:

./sarbp -p ../data/AFRL/pass1/HH_npy -o AFRL-cuda.png -d -30.0 -D 0.0 -t 17 -u 2 -s cuda

or with a CPU distributed schedule:

mpirun -np 4 ./sarbp -p ../data/AFRL/pass1/HH_npy -o AFRL-cpu_distributed.png -d -30.0 -D 0.0 -t 17 -u 2 -s cpu_distributed


To run the backprojection test with the Sandia dataset:

./sarbp -p ../data/Sandia/npy -o Sandia.png -d -45.0 -D 0.0 -t 30 -u 2

or with a GPU CUDA schedule:

./sarbp -p ../data/Sandia/npy -o Sandia-cuda.png -d -45.0 -D 0.0 -t 30 -u 2 -s cuda