
A project to better handle bitbucket issues

Primary LanguagePHP


  • Manage bitbucket issues fast
  • It also includes a Trello like board
  • Slack integration, you can create issues and as your work

/issues repo-name Fix that ugly thing
Even add tags
/issues repo-name Fix that ugly thing #urgen #customer2
And change metadata
/issues repo-name Fix that ugly thing :open :task :blocker
And even assign it to a user (first that matches any part)
/issues repo-name Fix that ugly thing @jordi
So you can fully create an issue like this
/issues repo-name Fix that ugly thing @jordi :open :blocker #urgent

You can also ask for today's issues or all open work

/issues today or for an user /issues today @jordi /issues work or for an user /issues work @jordi