
Find out what the past year looks like in command line!

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

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Find out what the past year looks like in command line!

Stars   Release


  • Analyze the commandline activity distribution for months, weekdays and hours, as well as frequently-used commands over the past years.

  • Github-style command distribution graph

  • Supported shell / history tool:

    • zsh
    • bash
    • fish
    • atuin
  • A cute Ferris on the cover

How to Use


  • Install using cargo

    cargo install cmd-wrapped
  • Download from Release, unzip and run the binary file in the terminal:



cmd-wrapped [<year>] [-s <shell>] 

# e.g.
cmd-wrapped               # for the past year & current shell
cmd-wrapped 2024 -s zsh   # specify the year & the shell type

Supported options for <shell> : zsh, bash, fish, atuin.


In some cases, cmd-wrapped may fail to output correct data (such as all outputs being 0). This is because it relies on Zsh / Bash tracking the timestamp for each command, which requires configuring specific options extraly:

Commands executed before configuring the option won't be recorded with a timestamp and this will affect cmd-wrapped’s stats. If you find all your stats showing as 0, consider configuring the option now to view the cmd-wrapped stats next year :P

Credits & License

  • Special thanks to @jyi2ya for the cooool idea!
  • License: MIT