
A set of handy functions for making automation macros in Foundry VTT

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Bad Ideas Toolkit

No Longer Maintained.

I'm pulling back from this module. Warpgate (https://github.com/trioderegion/warpgate) has a mutation system that can be used to do most of the sensible things this module could be used for, in a way which is less detrimental to the permissions system for Foundry. If anyone wants to fork this and take over maintenance, then go ahead.

WARNING: This module contains functions which will allow tech-savvy players to completely bypass permissions on all Document types. If you don't trust your players, don't install this.

This is a library module, it does nothing on its own, but provides several functions for use in macros or by other modules.

Mainly, these functions are intended to help with making macros for use with MidiQoL, DAE, and similar automation modules.

Functions Provided

All functions are accessible at game.modules.get("bad-ideas-toolkit").api.functionName, e.g. game.modules.get("bad-ideas-toolkit").api.isMainGM(). Alternatively, badIdeas.functionName will be created if available (i.e. if it doesn't already exist in the globalThis object) as a convenience accessor. I don't think there should be clashes, but if there are then whatever is clashing with this will win.

This is set up as a hook on "init", so won't be available before then, and probably not in other "init" hooks.


isMainGM() : Returns true if the current user is the first active GM. Equivalent to game.users.find((u) => u.isGM && u.active)

. async entityFromUuid(uuid) : Returns an Entity of the appropriate type (Scene, Token, Actor, etc.) for any UUID in the world (i.e. not in a compendium), including UUIDs for embedded entities. If this fails for any object, please add an issue to this repo. Where a base entity type is extended (e.g. Actor5e from Actor) this generally will return an object of the base entity type, rather than the extended type. removed as no longer necessary in 0.8

GM escalation

All the functions here can be called by anyone, and will then be executed by the GM. This allows users to update or delete pretty much anything if they have enough macro knowledge. Don't install this if you don't trust your users.

documentGetFlag(document, scope, flag) , documentSetFlag(document, scope, flag, value) , documentUnsetFlag(document, scope, flag) : gets/sets/unsets the flag specified by scope, flag for the document specified by document (which needs to be the actual document object).

documentUpdate(document, newData, options) : calls document.update(newData, options) on the GM side.

documentDelete(document, options) : calls document.delete(options) on the GM side

documentCreateEmbeddedDocuments(document, embedType, embedData, options) and documentDeleteEmbeddedDocuments(document, embedType, embedData, options) call the equivalent GM side functions (note that embedData must be an array in 0.8)

applyCUBCondition(condition, document) , removeCUBCondition(condition, document) uses Combat Utility Belt to apply/remove the specified condition. condition is the name of the condition (as a string), document is the document (i.e. Token or Actor) to apply/remove the condition to/from. This will return false if CUB is not active in the world (and handling that is your problem!)

All functions are async, and return the value of their equivalent GM side function if successful.

pre-0.8 versions of these functions (using "entity" in place of "document") are provided, but just call the new versions with appropriate argument transformations.


If you want a particular function in here, feel free to throw an issue on this, and I'll get to it eventually.

Pull requests are also welcome - in general, when making something for use playerside to be passed to the GM, you should create one function within the api object, and one within the handlers object, as follows:

api = {
    async doThing(document, arg1, arg2) {
        const content = {document, arg1, arg2}
        return handlerBridge(content, "doThing")

handlers = {
    async doThingHandler(data) {
        if (!api.isMainGM()) return;
        const document = await fromEUuid(data.content.document) //required if passing a document argument, as the UUID is passed over the socket to allow reconstruction.
        const retVal = {}
        retVal.result = await document.thing(data.content.arg1, data.content.arg2) //or
        retval.result = await thing(document, data.content.arg1, data.content.arg2) //or whatever function you want to do on GM side here.
        returnBridge(retVal, data)

retVal should be an object with retVal.result equal to the desired return value, and retval.error only existing if an error is thrown (and equal to the error that should be thrown). Any Entities returned will be converted to UUIDs before being passed over, and then converted back on the other end. Internally, the module uses an extended UUID format which can handle active effects, token.actor, and related things.

Functions which just run playerside only need to be within the api object. Helper functions which run playerside but aren't intended to be publicly usable should be added outside of either object (e.g. where handlerBridge() is). The functionName argument for handlerBridge(data, functionName) must match up with the name of the handler function (i.e. so the handler is called functionNameHandler). It doesn't need to match up with the name of the playerside function, but there should be a good reason for the mismatch if you're doing this (e.g. to use the same handler for two different base functions)

content.document will be automatically converted to an extended UUID format before sending over the socket, and must be coverted back via await fromEUuid(data.content.document) to recover the actual document. Documents sent in other properties of the content will not be converted, but will be received as document.toObject (which corresponds to document.data). The extended UUID format adds ".Actor" when token.actor is sent, due to https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/foundryvtt/-/issues/5381 . Note that this may break briefly when this issue is fixed in a future update - I'll update the module when that happens.