Primary LanguageTypeScript

First the backend part : it's is running op port 7000. The database : you can use local database URL or mongodb atlas URL. To start the application you first need to start with the command "npm install" and then "npm run dev", After succefully run the command line you can start the frontend part. The technolgy that I used for backend part is "express" "cors" "dotenv" "mongodb" "mongoose" and for dev dependency i used "ts-node" "typescript" "nodemon" "@types/express" "@types/cors" "@types/node" --save-dev. And for TypeScript "npx tsc --init "

Secound the frontend part : To start the frontend you first need to go to the frontend folder and enter comand line "npm install" and then "npm run dev". In the frontend part you can create the user and can see all the user ,update the user,delete the user.I get problem on Image url,But i will fixed it soon. The technology that i used for fronend part is "axios" for data fetching "flowbite-react" for open in modal to update the user "react-router-dom" for routing, and "react-toastify" for toast message .

Note: I failed to implement RTK for time being . But I will implement it very soon .