A gRPC Client for Lightning Network Daemon (LND) in Python
1. Install Python 3 and pip
2. pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: mylnd.py --command [command_option1] [command_option2]
example: mylnd.py --addinvoice 100 "for hugs"
MyLND - A gRPC Client for the Lightning Network Daemon (LND) in Python.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
LND Connection Options:
--lnddir </path/to/.lnd>
Path to LND's base dir
--ip_port <ip_address>:<port>
IP address and port of the LND node
--macaroonpath </path/to/admin.macaroon>
Path to admin.macaroon
--tlspath </path/to/tls.cert>
Path to tls.cert
My LND Node:
--version LND version
--status Same as '--getinfo --walletbalance --channelbalance
--debug_level <level> <subsystem>
Logging verbosity of LND
--getinfo Lightning node info
--feereport current fee schedule enforced by the node
Lightning Network Info:
--networkinfo Lightning network info
--describegraph All nodes and edges that this node knows about
--listpeers List peers connected to this node
--nodeinfo <public_key>
Node details by pub_key
--connect <public_key>@<ip_address>:<port>
Attempt to establish network connection to a remote
--disconnect <public_key>
Attempt to disconnect from a remote peer
--openchannel <public_key> (OR "<public_key>@<ip>:<port>") <local_amount> <push_amount>
Attempt to open a channel with a remote peer
--openchannel-wait <public_key> <local_amount> <push_amount>
Attempt to open a channel with a remote peer and wait
for confirmation
--closechannel [<channel_point> [force ...]]
Attempt to close a channel with a remote peer
--closeallchannels Attempt to close all open channels
--listchannels List channels
--channelinfo <channel_id>
Channel details by channel ID
--pendingchannels Pending channels
--closedchannels <close type>
Closed channels (all, cooperative, local_force,
remote_force, breach, funding_canceled, abandoned
--channelbalance Channel balance
--updatechannel <channel_point> <base_fee_msat <fee_rate> <time_lock_delta>
Update fee schedule and channel policies for a
particular channel
--sendpayment [SENDPAYMENT [SENDPAYMENT ...]]
Send satoshis with either a payment_request, OR public
key, payment hash, amount, and final_cltv_delta
--listpayments List lightning network payments
--deletepayments Delete all outgoing payments from DB
--listinvoices List of all invoices in the db
--addinvoice [<amount> [<memo> ...]]
Add a new invoice
--lookupinvoice <payment_hash>
Lookup an invoice by payment hash
--decodepayreq <payment_request>
Decode an invoice's payment_request
--queryroutes <destination_pub_key> <amount> <number_of_routes>
Look for x number of routes to a node's public key for
y amount of satoshis
--walletbalance Wallet balance
--newaddress Create a new np2ksh address
--sendcoins <bitcoin_address> <amount_in_satoshis>
Send an on-chain bitcoin transaction
--transactions Transaction list and counts
--create Initialize a new wallet
--unlock Unlock wallet
--change_password Change wallet password
--btcusd Current BTC/USD Conversion Rate
--satstousd <satoshis>
Convert # of sats to USD
--loop <amount> Loop Out