- AlexzshZhejiang University
- almightyGOSUSingapore
- amiroucheParis, France
- Anonymous3151
- BrambleXuTokyo
- Chunpai
- daniel-huang@rosetta-ai
- devaroundu
- evisonRutgers University
- feng-1985shenzhen
- fivejjsData scientist and engineer
- fly51flyPRIS
- howardhsuFacebook AI Research
- husthukebeijing
- jackwangsysu1234
- johnnyjana730
- kiminh
- linekinTaiwan
- LiuShixing
- michael-wzhu
- mindisMarks and Spencer
- orcaxFreelancer
- polybahnZurich, Switzerland
- pseudoBit
- pwycl
- ReactRed
- renkexin
- SeekPoint
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- SuperAlexander
- treperShanghai
- ubtechsydneyaicentre
- wwmmqqNULL
- xiangwang1223National University of Singapore
- zhiyueGuangzhou
- zhuty16Beihang University