Pytest Cython Collect

Very simple Pytest plugin, which searches for .pyx files and methods inside the compiled .so files to collect tests.

To use the plugin, add the --cython-collect option when calling pytest.

There are currently several limitations:

  • You have to add compiler_directives={"binding": True} to your call to cythonize
  • Fixtures defined inside the cython-compiled code will not be registered by Pytest.
    • Fixtures defined in .py files, which are not compiled, can be used.
  • Pytest decorators are generally not supported yet (@pytest.mark.parametrize...)
    • This could possibly be fixed by adding a new decorator or some more logic when collecting
  • Test classes are not collected
  • .pyx and .py files are not automatically cythonized. You'll need to build them yourself first


This plugin contains code from pytest-cython.