This is a practice project to help prepare you for the code challenge.
- Form/Form Helpers
- ActiveRecord
- Validations
- The ability to create, read, update and delete Users
- Users will have name
- The ability to create, read, update and delete Dragons
- Dragons will have name and age
- The ability to select one "master" (user) for a dragon (a user can have any number of dragons)
- Make sure no two dragons have the same name.
- Make sure dragons' age is between 1000 years to 3000 years.
- Fork this repository
- Time yourself while working on the deliverables
- Prioritize associations (being able to select a master for a dragon)
- Commit when you hit 75 minutes
- When you have finished all deliverables, commit again and submit a pull request
- Slack us if you get stuck anywhere for more than 15 minutes.