
CDC contract 75D30121C10133

Primary LanguagePython

Molecular epidemiology and transmission dynamics of CoVID-19 in Houston Texas

CDC contract 75D30121C10133

Table of Contents
  1. Task 1: Develop an analytical pipeline for SARS-CoV-2 samples to rapidly share molecular epidemiology inferences
  2. Task 2: Integrate phylogenetic and epidemic network modeling to identify transmission clusters
  3. Task 3: Develop statistical phylodynamic models
  4. Task 4: Phylodynamic modeling of co-circulating respiratory pathogens
  5. Extends
  6. Contact
  7. Acknowledgments

Task 1: Develop an analytical pipeline for SARS-CoV-2 samples to rapidly share molecular epidemiology inferences


Project specific instance of NextStrain

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Task 2: Integrate phylogenetic and epidemic network modeling to identify transmission clusters

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Task 3: Develop statistical phylodynamic models

Bayesian statistics and modeling

Tip-trait association test

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Task 4: Phylodynamic modeling of co-circulating respiratory pathogens

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