
Retrip : Connect Your Trip GitHub Repositories of Bangkit Academy 2023 Capstone Project from 3 learning path. Machine Learning, Mobile development, Cloud Computing from team C23-PS171.

About The Project

Before traveling, both foreign and domestic tourists will look for interesting tourist spots around the area they visit. To overcome this, our team uses the recommendation method. We present Retrip as an application that is able to recommend several tourist attractions according to the location you want to go to and is accompanied by existing reviews from other users...


Team Members

Team ID : C23-PS171

Name Student ID Path
I Gede Eka Samdyana Putra M151DSX3658 Machine Learning
Dita Ary Crystian M282DSX3284 Machine Learning
Edo Priyo Utomo Putro Mujiono M038DSX2463 Machine Learning
Rizkya Ayu Dwi Andini C151DSY2230 Cloud Computing
Muhammad Dhafin Alghani C298DKX3812 Cloud Computing
Ahfaitar Abdil Hakim A151DSX2811 Android Development


In our project is divided into four branches.

  1. main
  2. android-development
  3. cloud-computing
  4. machine-learning

Getting Started

  • Prerequisites

    1. Android
    2. Internet connection
    3. GPS/Location
  • Installation

    1. Download the APK
    2. Install the APK
  • Register

    1. Open Retrip application
    2. Register your email address


  • How to find the nearest tourist spots

    1. Login to your accounts
    2. Click on search button
    3. Input your current location
    4. GetLoc will recommend you the nearest tourist spots
  • How to get review from other user

    1. You can choose from destination you choose
    2. You click on the review



Technology Used

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Android Development
  3. Cloud Computing
  4. Design

API Documentation



We are very open to any input, therefore we want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:

  • Reporting a bug
  • Discussing the current state of the code
  • Submitting a fix
  • Proposing new features
  • Becoming a maintainer

If you think something important is missing or should be different based on your experience, we'd love to have you contribute to this project. If you have suggestions for improving these apps, please contact the existing ones.




Name Contact
I Gede Eka Samdyana Putra
Dita Ary Crystian
Edo Priyo Utomo Putro Mujiono
Rizkya Ayu Dwi Andini
Muhammad Dhafin Alghani
Ahfaitar Abdil Hakim
