
CP platform (Zookeeper - Kafka - Schema Registry - Kafka Connect - Kafka REST) dockerized

MIT LicenseMIT

Confluent Platform on Docker - Kafka

This repository is designed for efficiently testing Kafka environments locally and establishing connections with PostgreSQL to capture and retrieve each committed transaction in the database through Kafka.

Step - 1 (Docker Compose)

Upon cloning the project from GitHub, execute the following commands:

docker compose up

Once all containers are running, you can inspect Kafka brokers through the Kafka UI at localhost:6680 using the username and password specified in the Docker Compose file.

Step - 2 (Add Test Data into Postgres)

After pulling containers from Docker Hub and launching all associated services, you'll find an "init.sql" file in this repository. This script creates a new table in PostgreSQL and populates it with three rows of test data, as illustrated below:

Step - 3 (Create Kafka Connect Connector)

Using this curl command, you can create a new connector with the configuration located in the "connector" directory :

 curl http://localhost:8083/connectors -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @connectors/postgres_connector_config.json

Step - 4 (Check the connector from Kafka UI)

Navigate to the left side of the Kafka UI, locate "Kafka Connect," and inspect the status of the connector created in step 3 :

Step 5 - (Topics)

When checking the topics in the Kafka UI, you will observe a topic with a name corresponding to your table, along with the prefix specified in the connector configuration:

Step 6 - (Messages)

As evident from the test data inserted into PostgreSQL and the specified "snapshot.mode" in the connector configuration being set to "initial," you can retrieve all of this data from the Kafka topic.

Step 7 - (Schema Registry)

Upon creating a new topic from a PostgreSQL table, the Schema Registry generates a version corresponding to your table. This version can be located in the Schema Registry section of the Kafka UI. In the event of a schema change in your table, this version will be updated, and subsequent messages reflecting the altered schema will be stored in Kafka with the latest version from the Schema Registry :